
Monday, June 25, 2012

MONDAY'S POEM: Metamorphosis


 This little green leaf,
a peaceful place,
on a caterpillar's plate.
Chomp away
you wormy guy.
Grow some wings
and see the sky,
then light on leaves
                             Anne Knowles

Monday, June 18, 2012

MONDAY'S POEM: Tall Clover, Short Clover

Tall Clover, Short Clover 

Tall clover,
Short clover,
Bees buzzing
High and low.

Tall clover,
Short clover,
Come to mow.

Bees fly.
Bye bye.
Has to go.

Short clover
Mower missed,
But clover
Has to grow.

Tall clover,
Short clover
Bees buzzing
High and low.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Bug On Its Back

Dropped a penny,
bent to pick it up,
saw a bug on its back
pushing legs
against yielding air.
In the end it's always simple:
flipped the bug,
left the penny.
                    Anne Knowles

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Kid Tea

I came across a wonderful picture book.  Kid Tea is written by Elizabeth Ficocelli and illustrated by Glin Dibley.  It's got great rhythm and and energy.  And I love the way it teaches colors.  It's the kind of book that is fun, fun, fun to read out loud.

Monday, June 4, 2012

MONDAY'S POEM: Word Was Spring

 Word Was Spring

Word was spring was coming in.
Word was it would come strong-hooved,
Pounding down snow until snow ran full in water;
Brushing flanks against bark until until leaves came out
To see what the rushing and brushing was all about.
Words was spring was coming in,
Breathing hard to breathe out warm breezes.
Word was spring would come strong this time,
Would stop to rear on strong legs;
Would stop to see if new birds knew flying,
Then gallop on with faster hooves,
Lest snow come and catch the hooves at play.
                                                Anne Knowles