
Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday's Poem: Sometimes I'm Sad

Sometimes I'm Sad

When Teddy Bear left,
And I didn't know why,
I cried and I was sad.
We looked in the park,
But Teddy was gone.
Someone took Teddy away.

I told my teacher;
I told my friend;
I told my grandpa, too.
They gave me big hugs,
But sometimes I cried,
And sometimes I was sad.

  I like to remember
My Teddy Bear.
Remembering helps me smile.
But sometimes I'm sad,
And sometimes I cry.
I loved my Teddy Bear.

                                            Anne Knowles

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday's Poem: Writing a Poem

Writing a Poem

One way to do it
is to drop like rain
and splash down
all over

                              Anne Knowles

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Monday's Poem: The Ruth Namer

The Ruth Namer
                           (for Ruth, of course)

Into the city
the Ruth Namer came.
He set up a booth
and started to name.

All of the people
were pleased with the truth:
Remembering is easy
when all are named Ruth.

The store is now Ruth
and the church and the school.
The trees are all Ruth
and all of the tools.

Recess is Ruth
and history and math.
Walking is Ruth
and so is the path.

Ruth calls up Ruth
to go to the Ruth
while sweet, little Ruth
plays with Ruth, Ruth, and Ruth.

Into the Ruth
The Ruth Ruther came.
He set up a Ruth
and started to name.

Ruths of the Ruths
were pleased with the Ruth:
Ruth is now easy
When Ruths are named Ruth.
                                                      Anne Knowles