
Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday's Poem: Big City Tea Party

Big City Tea Party

Tea Party!  Tea Party!
Box, pillows, bear;
Box is on the balcony;
Party's out there.

Box makes the table.
Pillows make the chairs.
Bear wears a happy smile;
I love my teddy bear.

Bear's brought a cookie.
I brought the tea.
I have an old tea set
A neighbor gave to me.

Tea pot lid is missing.
We only have one cup.
Bear and I don't mind at all.
We make what's missing up.

Our royal castle's in the sky
Seven stories high.
Our kingdom is the neighborhood
And pigeons that fly by.

We share a crumb of cookie
With pigeons when they rest.
They don't want tea like bear and me;
They're simply cookie guests.

Tea Party!  Tea Party!
Come and have some tea.
You're welcome to the party
With bear and birds and me.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday's Poem: Thistle in My Whistle

Thistle in My Whistle

Thistle bristles in my whistle;
Sister slipped the thistle in.
Now my whistle doesn't tweet;
My whistle threet, threet, threets.

Sister used to be so thweet;
I'm glad she's almost three.
Since sister slipped the thistle in,
My whistle threet, threet, threets.

                                         Anne Knowles